The Polyvictimization Initiative recognized individuals who have had cumulative exposure to unmitigated trauma are at greater risk for future victimization and adverse health effects during their lifetime, and challenged Family Justice Centers to take a broader, more holistic approach to working with clients who have experienced polyvictimization.
Herramienta de Evaluación de la Polivictimización
Esta Herramienta de Evaluación de la Polivictimización (Herramienta de Evaluación) fue desarrollada para examinar todas las experiencias de trauma y victimización de la vida de una persona, desde la niñez hasta la edad adulta. La Herramienta de Evaluación cubre 27 eventos y 18 secciones, cada una dividida en tres categorías (niñez y adolescencia, adultx, y en el último año). La categoría de síntomas permite al personal clasificar los síntomas actuales y permite una comprensión histórica profunda de cuándo se desarrollaron estos síntomas y cuánto tiempo han estado presentes en la vida.
A Pathway to Justice Healing and Hope – Addressing Polyvictimization in a Family Justice Center Setting – An Applied Book of Lessons Learned
The Applied Book highlights the development, pilot testing, and implementation of the Polyvictimization Assessment Tool; presents results, key findings, and lessons learned from the national evaluation; celebrates the power of multi-disciplinary collaboration; and provides and in-depth look into the successes, challenges, key findings, and lessons learned from each of the participating Family Justice Centers.
Polyvictimization: The Legacy of The Initiative and the Future of a Groundbreaking Framework
This webinar will help professionals understand polyvictimization, the new National Polyvictimization Assessment Tool, and the corresponding victim services framework that can enhance the response of Family Justice Centers and victim service organizations to survivors with numerous victimizations in their lives (childhood and adult).
What We Learned in 2021: Updates from the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention Webinar
This is the Annual webinar from the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention on “What We Learned in 2021”, presented by Gael Strack, FJ, and Casey…
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