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GREENSBORO, North Carolina —
For the first time, the Guilford County Family Justice Center will host Camp HOPE, a national evidenced-based camping and mentoring program for children impacted by violence and abuse. Camp HOPE’s vision is to break the generational outcomes of domestic violence through team building, values-based programming, and high adventure, challenge-by-choice activities.
Approximately 6 youth are expected to participate in the six-day, five-night sleepover camp scheduled for August 13-18 at the YMCA’s Camp Weaver in Greensboro.
The young people were hand-chosen by the center’s many partners, officials say. “Community partners including, social workers, law enforcement, and therapists nominated children who we thought would greatly benefit from this type of experience,” explained Catherine Johnson, GCFJC Director. “This program has proven results. Longitudinal studies have shown good outcomes for the young people who go to the camp. It really changes the trajectory of their lives.”
This is the first year that the GCFJC is hosting Camp HOPE. The camp adheres to the requirements of Camp HOPE America, which is an affiliate program of the National Family Justice Center Alliance. Guilford County was one of two FJC locations in the southeastern region of the United States selected to host Camp HOPE because of GCFJC’s partnership and emphasis on implementing strategies to reduce violence and abuse in the community.
The camp’s program focuses on three key elements: 1) “Challenge by Choice” activities; 2) Affirmation and Praise for developing observed character traits; and 3) Themed, small group discussion and activities focused on helping children set goals and then pursue those goals.
Trained camp staff members and volunteers prove a 1:3 ratio of counselors to young people.
“Camp counselors will have a tremendous impact on our camper’s experiences, and we believe this experience will be life-changing for both the camper and counselor,” said Johnson. “Camp HOPE counselors will serve as champions for youth attendees and will aid immensely in our goal to end the cycle of violence and change the destinies of youth exposed to trauma.
To learn more about Camp HOPE America, visit