2021 Leadership Summit Highlights
The 2021 Family Justice Center Leadership Summit was the largest gathering of Family Justice Center directors and leaders ever hosted by Alliance for HOPE International. In the midst of the pandemic, the “dreamers and the doers” of the movement wanted and needed to gather in Nashville, Tennessee. It was an honor for the Family Justice Center Alliance team to partner with the Diane Lance and the Nashville Family Safety Center Team to host such an inspired gathering of those committed to collaborative, wraparound services for adult and child survivors of trauma, violence, and abuse. This report is built around the words and presentations of the leaders who shared and spoke over the three-day gathering. Dynamic movements must keep moving as they evolve and grow. The Family Justice Center movement has never been more alive or more committed to a future that offers hope and healing to those in need and promotes hope and wellbeing for the hope givers as well.
keywords: leadership summit, highlights, 2021
October 13, 2023 2021 advocacy Diane Lance family justice center FJC FJCA highlights leadership Nashville Family Safety Center summit survivor