National Webinar: Case Management: Survivor Centered Practices for Crisis Intervention and Long-Term Support
National Webinar: Case Management: Survivor-Centered Practices for Crisis Intervention and Long-Term Support from Alliance for HOPE International on Vimeo.
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Suelen Yancor and Darcy Cardoza of StrengthUnited and Jennifer DeCarli of the New York City Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence shared their first- hand experiences, including dos and don’ts, in providing survivor-centered case management at Family Justice/Multi-Agency Centers using a co-located service model. They discussed the importance of collaborating with and creating spaces for different disciplines at FJ/MA Centers in order to provide intensive case management that serves clients with an array of needs. They reviewed how to connect and collaborate with different agencies to seek training in providing services and learn from each other, focusing on partnering with culturally specific organizations, legal organizations, and mental health organizations.
Keywords: case management, Survivor Centered Practices, Intervention and Long-Term Support