Recantation, Domestic Violence and Strangulation Webinar

The Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention is thrilled to welcome Dr. Amy Bonomi and David Martin J.D., panelists on our webinar, Recantation, Domestic Violence and Strangulation. The overarching goal of this webinar is to empower people and communities to improve their understanding of and skills in domestic violence cases that involve recantation. As recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court, witness tampering is a significant problem in domestic violence cases, with abusers often pressuring their victim to recant to lessen criminal charges (Davis v. Washington, 126 S.Ct. 2266, 165 L.Ed.2d 224, 2006). In 2011, using audio-recorded phone calls made from jail, their research team published a five-stage model describing how abusers awaiting prosecution tamper with their victims to coerce their recantation (Bonomi, Gangamma, Locke, Katafiasz, & Martin, 2011).

October 18, 2024   Amy Bonomi     David Martin     domestic violence     Gwinn     institute     recantation     strangulation