Webinar: VOICES Bootcamp – Day 2
Our National VOICES Survivor Advocacy Network was very excited to attend the Annual FJC Conference. Not everyone could join, so the network requested the Alliance host a VOICES Virtual Bootcamp. Our team and the VOICES Network took 6 months to develop topics and an agenda for 2 half days of training and VOICES insights, both days feature the VOICES of survivors. With the permission of our VOICES members, we are sharing this training to help directors of Family Justice Centers, new and existing VOICES chapters, and survivors looking to start a new chapter, create wonderful and vibrant VOICES chapters around the country!
Day 2 of the VOICES Virtual Bootcamp was even more practical than Day 1! In this day of training, we discussed How to Tell Your Story, What it Means to Help Govern an FJC as a VOICES member, and the Role of VOICES members. These sessions include comments from Nazmie Ojeda, Director of Education and Engagement-Safe Futures, Joyce Bilyeu, National VOICES Network member and Deputy Director of the Sacramento Family Justice Center, and Danielle Francois, Health and Outreach Coordinator of the Essex County Family Justice Center!
November 20, 2023 Bilyeu bootcamp day 2 Essex family justice center FJC FJCA Francois govern how to tell your story Ojeda role of Sacramento survivor training VOICES webinar what it means