The Family Justice Center Alliance (FJCA), a program of Alliance for HOPE International, serves as the clearinghouse, research center, and national affiliation organization for Family Justice Centers and other multi-agency models that serve victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, child abuse, and/or human trafficking.
The FJCA provides technical assistance and resources for communities around the world. The online Resource Library is the most comprehensive resource available for communities seeking to develop Family Justice Centers or similar multi-agency models, designed to better meet the needs of survivors and their children by bringing services together under one roof.
The FJCA serves as the technical assistance and training provider for the United States Department of Justice for federally funded Centers. The FJCA also works with Centers and multi-disciplinary teams who do not receive federal funding. The FJCA provides fee-based services to help communities start, operate, and expand Family Justice Centers and similar multi-agency service models. The FJCA has provided planning services to the large majority of Family Justice Centers in the United States.
To request a proposal for training or planning services, contact us. If a community is interested in better understanding the role of the Alliance in planning a Center, we will host an Informational Call with a local Leadership Team or Steering Committee. If a community then engages the Alliance, we have three key steps in the journey focused around three words: Develop; Operate; and Expand.