SAN DIEGO — The team at Your Safe Place Family Justice Center works daily to help domestic violence survivors become “thrivers.” This San Diego agency provides confidential services to anyone experiencing domestic violence, family violence, elder abuse, sexual assault or sex trafficking. The services are free for adults, seniors, children and teens regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, income, zip code or immigration status. They have rooms with emergency products for clients who come in and a boutique to provide clothing to those fleeing violence.
“Clients can come in and use an emergency bag to grab whatever they need, whether it’s hygiene items, diapers or clothing,” said Diane Doherty, Executive Director of Your Safe Place. “Also, we want to support our clients going to court or job interview.” Your Safe Place also provide mobile clinics where the team goes out into different parts of the San Diego community to help people who can’t make it to the organization’s downtown offices. “So, instead of asking people to come here, we go out into the community and specialize in those marginalized communities and help those who can’t readily access services,” said Doherty.
One of four women and one of nine men are victims of domestic violence, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The group also reports that presence of a gun in domestic violence situations increases the risk of homicide by 500%. Because of this, the Your Safe Place team also helps people through the process of obtaining a gun violence restraining order. “And that allows us to remove the gun from that explosive situation before somebody is harmed,” said San Diego City Attorney Mara Elliott.
In September, they are opening new children forensic interview centers, a safe space for children who have undergone trauma, to feel comfortable sharing their experiences with licensed professionals. “We are here. We believe our clients. There is no judgement here,” Elliot said. “When we don’t support people in violence, they will repeat that violence on and on. We want to make our survivors thrivers who can stand on their own two feet and break that cycle of trafficking,” said Doherty.
If you or someone you know needs help, call 619-533-6000 or click here.
Source: Ariana Cohen, Original Article Here